Work from home solutions
If you and your staff have been advised to work home due to the coronavirus, we have 2 solutions for you to be able to work from home. The first solution is to set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A VPN allows a secure connection to another network over the internet. It requires appropriate networking equipment in offices and SSL certification to be able to set it up.
The second is providing access from a remote PC using MSP anywhere. Please note that this does have a monthly license fee for each user. All it requires is a PC with internet connection.
If you go for any of these options, you will need anti-virus software installed, ideally Vipre or Sophos. This is needed because your home PC will be interacting with files on the server and a virus could easily be imported onto the server and network from an unprotected PC.
Please contact us if you are interested in any of these options to be able to work from home or would like more information about them.