Am I crazy? Possibly. Probably! Maybe… Who knows? Who gets to decide anyway?
What am I on about? Well, I’m evangelical about ensuring my businesses educate our customers on all matters IT, so you can actually REDUCE your reliance on your IT company. Logically that means in time they won’t have to spend as much money with my businesses, or they may even be able to drop us completely and do it (IT – geddit?) themselves. Would you like to know how to reduce your reliance on your IT company? Well, keep on reading for the best practice…..
So let’s consider:
- We’re providing FREE education on all matters IT to our clients (and everyone if you follow us on social media or this blog)
- That FREE education reduces client dependence on us
- Reduced client dependence means reduced fees for my companies
- In the extreme you may feel that you don’t need us at all!
Simply put, we’re providing free education which may result in reduced income for us.
Yeah, that’s crazy.
Do you think?
Or maybe there’s something else going on? If so, what?
Confidence and trust, that’s what.
We’re confident that by educating our customers and their staff in computing and IT matters we will increase trust. And if we increase trust, they’ll continue their partnership with us.
Let’s face it, there are too many companies in IT who give the industry a bad name. We conducted a market survey last year, and the number one issue that came out was ‘Trust’. People rely on their IT provider to provide them with IT solutions appropriate to their business. Too often those people don’t understand what is being offered and can be left with an uneasy feeling of paying for something they don’t need.
That is absolutely not what any of my businesses are about. The last thing I want is for our customers to feel that way. We want – we need – you to feel assured with your IT solutions. The only way we can do that is through education and trust.
That’s why if you follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) you will see, at least weekly, tips on all matters IT.
That’s why this year we implemented our ‘IT Roadshows’ – we visit all our contracted customers and present to every member of their staff. What we do, why we do it, computer usage tips, cyber security tips. Free.
That’s why all our staff are instructed to communicate in plain English – to explain any matter IT in a way that the recipient understands. No bamboozlement.
And that’s why all our staff sign-up to our cultural values. You can read them all here.
Crazy? If doing what is right for our customers is crazy, then fine, guilty as charged!
Thanks for reading, until next time…